Democrats blame conservatives for rise in COVID-19 cases despite both Democrats and GOP reporting vaccine hesitancy

oe Biden participates in a CNN Town Hall hosted by Don Lemon at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Joe Biden participates in a CNN Town Hall hosted by Don Lemon at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:20 AM PT – Friday, July 23, 2021

The U.S. has seen a noticeable increase in COVID-19 cases as the Delta variant surged after Fourth of July weekend gatherings. While the surge has remained relatively small compared to case counts this past January, it has created cause for concern among the medical establishment.

Mainstream media outlets have focused primarily on the increased transmission rate of the Delta variant and the 46 percent of Americans who have not been vaccinated as the main causes of this latest surge. They have also often condescendingly painted conservative America as anti-vaxxers.

“The NIH, which oversees the CDC, it is absolutely 99.5 percent of those infections are people who have gotten vaccinated,” stated Carl Cameron, former Fox reporter. “I mean, come on.”

Mainstream media has even blamed conservative news outlets for propagating anti-vaccine rhetoric and ultimately labeled them as responsible for this latest spike in cases.

“This is wrong for journalists to be doing this or people who call them that,” Cameron claimed. “Whether its Fox or One America Network or Newsmax, these are all cable channels that are perpetuating lies.”

Many have criticized the vaccine virtue signaled from left-wing media as it has started to look like vaccine hesitancy was not a partisan issue. In the case of younger Americans, much vaccine hesitancy derived from something as simple as the fear of needles, which the NIH points out characterized around 20 to 30 percent of young adults.

As Americans on both sides of the aisle have seen numerous reasons not to get the vaccine, at the top of that list was a lack of trust in the American government and medical establishment writ large.

Recent numbers from the Keiser Family Foundation reported white Americans have been vaccinated at a rate of 48 percent. Hispanics were vaccinated at a rate of 41 percent and the black community had a vaccination rate of only 36 percent.

This trend could reveal the real reason so many Americans have been hesitant to receive the vaccine was a distrust in public establishments. Black Americans have distrusted the medical establishment for many years. Reports of doctors who provided different amounts of pain killers to black patients have been among many things adding to this hesitancy.

However, one of the most pronounced reasons black Americans were weary of vaccines was a historical event known as the Tuskegee Experiment. In the 1930s, the CDC injected 399 black male test subjects with the STI syphilis and ordered doctors in Macon, Alabama to withhold treatment from the men.

The CDC monitored the men over the years as they went blind, insane and even died so the health agency could see how the disease behaved if left untreated. This event, along with others, has been passed down for generations within the black community and resulted in the refusal of many black Americans to receive any vaccines.

As the Biden administration is finding it harder to reach its vaccination goals, critics are now saying the administration and mainstream media should stop trying to fight so-called “vaccine misinformation” on Facebook and television.

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Carley Joanou
Author: Carley Joanou

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