A former Republican announced on Monday that he is joining the 2022 race for Arkansas’s Attorney General as a Democrat.
Jason Davis, 34, an attorney at a law firm he opened in Little Rock,Pulaski County—Davis Law Firm, which deals with small business law, family law, bankruptcy, estate planning, and appeals—said he was running to put an end to the “hyper-partisan drama” that has been dominating state governance.
“As our state’s Attorney General, I will put you and your family first,” Davis said in a statement to news outlets. “Our state simply can’t afford more hyper-partisan drama, wasting millions more in taxpayer dollars on constant, warranted challenges to the constitutionality of our state’s actions.
“The people need a lawyer, and it’s time we had an attorney general who will put the people’s business first. We have gone without that for too long,” he added.
Originally from Saline County, Davis graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law. In 2018, he served as Election Commissioner for Pulaski County for one term.
He currently lives in West Little Rock with his wife and two children.
No others have announced their intention to seek the Democratic nomination for the post. Current Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin and Leon Jones Jr, a former Arkansas Fair Housing Commission executive director, announced they will be seeking the Republican nomination for the position.
Davis also said in his announcement to run for Arkansas Attorney General, “The leaders at the very top have focused too much on national politics, moneyed interests, and the will of party leaders, too often shunning the needs and issues facing Arkansans. It’s time for us to change that.”
“The people of Arkansas deserve an attorney general who will go to work for them every single day—combatting voter suppression efforts; ensuring equal application of the law; working to end the state’s opioid crisis; and protecting Arkansas’s small businesses, workers, and consumers from outside interest and scammers,” he said.
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