Donnitta Sinclair, center, mother of Lorenzo Anderson, who was killed nearby by gunfire days earlier, is comforted by others while visiting the area Tuesday, June 23, 2020, in Seattle, where streets are blocked off in what has been named the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:25 AM PT — Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Seattle is facing a lawsuit, following the death of a 19-year-old male in the city’s former CHOP zone last month. The victim’s mother, Donnita Sinclair Martin, filed a wrongful death claim against the city on Monday.
Sinclair Martin’s son, Lorenzo Anderson, was shot and killed in the protest zone in June, where demonstrations prevented emergency services from helping Anderson before it was too late.
“I just feel like the city let us down, let my son down and let me down and let down the community,” she stated. “…There’s no justification about what happened.”
Lorenzo was left bleeding in the street for roughly 20 minutes before CHOP volunteers came as fire and police officials could not get to him. His mother claimed city officials created a dangerous environment by allowing the autonomous zone to exist.
“I have utmost respect for the police because they do a tremendous job when they can, however, this was a bad decision…I don’t think that they had the final say,” said Sinclair Martin.
The city reportedly has yet to receive the claim, but has 60 days to respond before a federal lawsuit can be filed. Anderson’s mother said she hopes the lawsuit will teach the city not to allow these sorts of dangerous demonstrations to persist in the future.
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