![Wind Jammer Wind Jammer](https://minuteman-militia.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2018/02/Wind-Jammer-710x438.jpg)
Let’s be honest. We are all tired of being censored, and we are all tired of the PC Bull$hit. Everything that is destroying our Nation is exactly what we are NOT allowed to talk about.
We all have, or know friends that have done their stint in Facebook Jail. With us here on this page and our sister pages, they just go straight for 30 days in FB Jail. There is no recourse, and no one to talk to. When some random liberal facebook employee decides they don’t like what you said … klink …. into the slammer you go.
Even Private Groups are no longer safe on Facebook. Their automated system will scrub offending meme’s even if no one complained about YOUR post.
That’s why we made After Hours: The Wind Jammer
The Wind Jammer is just a private group where you not be banned for expressing your Patriot and non PC comments.
We took the time to make sure we had installed 2048 bit encryption. with SSL Encryption.
But …. if you don’t want to hang out in OUR group …. no Problem…. we made it so you can make your OWN group, for your people … a quiet place, with no one to bother you.
Why? Because enough is enough already. No membership fees. No dues, no requirements.
…. well …. there is ONE LITTLE REQUIREMENT. You’ve got to be a PATRIOT. If you are not … we will absolutely boot your ass in a second. YES … Imagine that. Troll Free Chat Groups.
Nope. Not too good to be true.
As Patriots … pop in your Zip Code, and Allow Push Notifications, and you will be notified of any MINUTEMAN ALERTS in your area.
Support our Constitution, and Support America.
Veterans, Patriots and Americans…. Just do it in PATRIOT style without Big Brother Zuckerberg busting your shoes.
It’s real simple: 1) Sign Up 2) Join In
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