Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., speaks during a news conference, Wednesday, May 12, 2021, expressing opposition to “critical race theory,” during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
UPDATED 11:45 AM PT – Friday, June 24, 2022
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) is running for re-election to continue fighting for Colorado’s Third District in Congress. Since being sworn into office in January of 2021, Boebert has been both a champion for the “Save America Movement” and a staunch opponent of the progressive policies of the Biden administration.
We’re less than a week out from primary day – votes are already being cast!
Help me win this race & continue to fight for our rights. When we’re in a majority next year, Biden’s agenda is going to screech to a halt!
Donate today – help this campaign win!https://t.co/ORFn5nQFsl
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 23, 2022
She has been quick to point out the inconsistencies in Democrat COVID policies such as masking small children in schools, while allowing migrants to flood into the country with a single COVID test or vaccine card. The Republican isn’t just worried about the people coming across the southern border. In order to combat the nation’s leading cause of death for those aged 18 to 45, Boebert has introduced legislation to classify Fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction.
“Take my home state of Colorado,” said Boebert. “In 2019 there were 222 deaths, in 2020 there were 540 and now in 2021 there were more than 900 fentanyl related deaths. Moms, dads, sons, daughters, fentanyl does not discriminate and we need to take serious steps to combat this.”
Inbox: “Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduces Legislation to Classify Fentanyl as a Weapon of Mass Destruction” pic.twitter.com/6To6NJrPXh
— Adam Kredo (@Kredo0) June 13, 2022
Boebert is also an avowed defender of the Second Amendment. The Congresswoman has broken with establishment Republicans by taking the words “shall not be infringed upon’” literally, as Democrat-backed policies have made the country less safe.
“We’re not going to send police to protect you,” she voiced. “I will not give an inch of the Second Amendment of the rights of the people to keep and bare arms to protect themselves, especially when cries from this chamber are calling to defund law enforcement and our southern border is wide open.”
The firebrand also has a less than conventional way of illustrating what a tyrannical government can do to a defenseless population. Boebert is especially passionate about the Amendment she exercises on the House floor, the right to free speech.
The Coloradan has long been a critic of the administration’s policing of the COVID narrative and the DHS’s persecution of parents at school board meetings. In reaction to Biden’s so-called disinformation task force, Boebert and her colleagues introduced the “Protecting Free Speech Act” to ensure the United States does not follow in the footsteps of Maoist China and Stalin’s Soviet Union.
“Now is when we the people make our voices heard,” The Congresswoman expressed. “We will not accept being called domestic terrorists for showing up to school boards and we sure as hack won’t allow these Bureaucrats to create a ministry of truth to gaslight the American people.”
President Trump has formally endorsed Rep. Boebert’s re-election campaign. He called her a “fearless leader” and a fighter against “loser rinos” and “radical Democrats.”
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