Diners Evie Costello, left, and Mandissa Costello, right, are served by Isaac Villaneva at Agoura’s Famous Deli Sunday, March 14, 2021, in the Agoura Hills section of Los Angeles County. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:16 AM PT – Monday, March 15, 2021
Los Angeles County has finally met red tier requirements and will start reopening key sectors of its economy this week.
Starting on Monday, the county will grant schools the option to bring back students in grades 7-12 for in-person learning. The county will also move to allow indoor dining and reopen gyms, museums and zoos.
According to red tier regulations, restaurants will still have to distance tables and dining parties will be limited to under six people. Other businesses will be allowed to open at limited capacity with mask mandates.
Grades 7-12, Indoor Dining, Movie Theaters, and Other Sectors May Reopen on Monday with Safety Measures in Place. 101 New Deaths and 947 New Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County. View https://t.co/2DogNuAsPc for more. pic.twitter.com/0kYb3TZSWD
— LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) March 13, 2021
“We have achieved this milestone and moved down to the red tier because as a county we worked hard, looked out for one another and came together to defeat the dark winter surge,” stated Hilda Solis, the chair. “Although we are taking steps to reopen some of the hardest hit sectors of our economy, that in no way means we can drop our guard now.”
The move comes after more than 2 million COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the county. Meanwhile, Riverside, Ventura and San Diego counties are expected to also be in the red tier on Tuesday.
Effective Monday, March 15th at 12:01am, additional sectors in LA County can align with red tier modifications with Public Health measures in place. pic.twitter.com/Fmdp8SMzDF
— LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) March 12, 2021
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