President Trump urges Portland officials to accept help

Photo via Portland Police Bureau.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:35 AM PT – Saturday, August 22, 2020

After another protest in Portland turned into riot this weekend, President Trump urged local officials to ask for help. On Twitter, the president said Friday night was another bad night for the city.

Around 200 people marched on the North Precinct Community Policing Center, where they vandalized vehicles, blocked traffic and threw projectiles at officers.

Police declared the scene a riot early Saturday and used smoke to physically move rioters from the area.

At one point in the night, groups of people also took to residential neighborhoods, where they chanted things like “stolen people, stolen land” and “wake up.” They also invaded locals’ privacy by shining flashlights into the windows of homes, where families sat inside.

Photo via Portland Police Bureau.

Overall, nine arrests were made. Charges ranged from disorderly conduct and trespassing to assault and harassment.

The riot came after a car bomb threat prompted people in the Portland courthouse and several other federal buildings, including two child development buildings in the area, to evacuate on Friday. FBI agents have confirmed the threat is still being investigated.

According to the President Trump, a small number of federal troops were there to protect the courthouse and federal property. He added they did a great job.

Moving forward, he called on city and state officials to request help to stop the riots. The president has said he would bring in the National Guard and end the chaos immediately.

RELATED: Portland Police: At Least 500 Arrests Made Since May 29th

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Shanon Peckham
Author: Shanon Peckham

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