President Trump defends use of hydroxychloroquine

FILE – This Tuesday, April 7, 2020 file photo shows a bottle of hydroxychloroquine tablets in Texas City, Texas. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:07 PM PT — Wednesday, July 29, 2020

President Trump continues to defend the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients. On Wednesday, he reiterated that he’s used the drug before and had no problems with it.

He noted many people agree with him that it can be effective and reiterated all he wants to do is save lives.

This came after the president retweeted a message by a Houston doctor earlier this week, who claimed hydroxychloroquine is the cure to COVID-19.

“I was impressed with her and other doctors that stood with her. I think she made sense, but I know nothing about it. I just saw her making a statement with very respected doctors, she was not alone. She was making a statement about hydroxychloroquine with other doctors that swear by it. They think it’s great.” – Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States

He went on to voice optimism about treatments for coronavirus and added the U.S. is doing very well.

A volunteer holds a sign reading “COVID-19” at a food distribution center Friday, April 17, 2020, in the Crenshaw district of Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro recently clashed with a CNN anchor over hydroxychloroquine. In the heated exchange, Navarro defended the president’s support for the drug.

He also pushed back on anchor John Berman’s claims that it’s a dangerous and unproven drug.

The trade adviser urged Berman to interview third party doctors, who he believes are equipped to provide unbiased information on the treatment and to analyze the data, to explain the effectiveness of the drug in early stages of the disease.

The two also clashed over the mainstream media’s portrayal and rejection of the treatment for COVID-19.

“Why are you guys so hardcore about wanting to knock this down?” asked Navarro.

Navarro went on to say the administration has a surplus of the drug and is prepared to distribute it.

WATCH: Doctors Stand Behind President Trump, Call For Reopening America Thanks To Miracle Drug

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Shanon Peckham
Author: Shanon Peckham

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