Poland is offering to pay $2 billion to establish a permanent U.S. military presence in its country, a document (full proposal) recently revealed.
“This proposal outlines the clear and present need for a permanent U.S. armored division deployed in Poland, Poland’s commitment to provide significant support that may reach $1.5-2 billion by establishing joint military installations, and provide for more flexible movement of U.S. forces,” according to the defense ministry document, which was obtained by the Polish news portal Onet.
The defense ministry said it is more willing “to share the burden of defense spending, make the decision more cost-effective for the U.S. government and allay any concerns for Congress in uncertain budgetary times.”
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“Poland welcomes the United States’ steadfast support for maintaining the country’s safety, security and sovereignty, and is facilitating rotational deployments of U.S. forces throughout the country,” according to the document. “While Poland recognizes and commends the significant lengths the United States has taken to strengthen the bilateral relationship and foster greater collective security, it likewise believes that together, the United States and Poland can do more to create a stronger, more resilient alliance, through an enduring presence.”
Poland seeks permanent US troop presence to deter Russia https://t.co/HyHcJ3AlWR
— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 28, 2018
Poland is concerned for the regions’ security following Russia’s annexation of the Crimean Peninsula.
“The result of our efforts is that the U.S. Senate has contacted the Pentagon about an assessment of … (the) permanent presence of U.S. troops in Poland,” Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said on state Radio 1. “Such presence is of great importance because it deters the adversary.”
Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said a permanent American military presence would not create “security and stability on the continent.”
“On the contrary, these expansionist steps, certainly, result in counteractions of the Russian side to balance the parity which is violated every time this way,” Peskov said.
While American troops have been temporarily stationed in Poland, Poland has been seeking a permanent American troop presence in the region.
The news comes roughly one month before NATO members gather for a summit in Brussels.
Poland is one of five NATO countries to spend at least 2 percent GDP on its defense budget, something that President Donald Trump has called for since taking office.
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