There was a lot going on during the 2018 NRA Annual Meetings, much like every year. There are displays and numerous gun companies unveiling new products. There’s the chance to check out a number of notable speakers and, of course, there’s the actual NRA business taking place.
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However, it seems that at least one hotel had a little something else going on.
At least one Texas law enforcement officer advised the individual to contact an attorney, and I would like to echo that advice.
Miguel over at Gun Free Zone has some advice of his own.
But that brings a point I am ashamed to say I never thought about before: Do not valet your car anywhere ever. It is not only what they can take away from you (as the case above) but also what they can leave behind.
How many times have you seen COPS where a vehicle is pulled over, searched, the officer finds something and the suspect denies it. Does the cop believe him? Nope. Do you think a cop would make an exception for you because you are pretty?
Let me put it this way: You are literally giving the keys of your car to a total stranger, who is paid minimum wage and tips, in the hope he will treat your precious vehicle better than you would.
Would you valet your carry gun? Then, why would you valet your car?
He brings up a great point.
Near a place like the NRA Annual Meetings, I can’t help but wonder just what the hotel was looking for. The fact that it was a Lamborgini makes me wonder if they believed something illicit was going on.
Then again, they might have been doing this with all the cars on the valet lot. With the annual convention going on, I’m sure the more excitable management employees were worried about guns (pro tip: It’s not likely they left their guns in their cars) and sent security to look.
Either way, what they did was wrong. Whether it was illegal or not is beyond my expertise, but it was morally wrong, and that’s something that shouldn’t be allowed to stand.
Gun owners aren’t second-class citizens. We have rights as Americans, just the same as anyone else, and what happened there appears to have clearly violated those rights.
In the meantime, Miguel’s advice stands. Don’t use a valet if you can help it. While it is incredibly convenient, that convenience comes at a price. That price may well be your personal safety and freedom, or it could be something far more insidious.
Honestly, I suspect that this case was more about overzealousness by excitable hotel staff rather than anything nefarious, but it’s a good wake up call for a lot of us. Hotel valet service is a convenience that comes with a price, and that’s giving access to your vehicle to people who may not have your best intentions at heart.
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