The Paul Ryan-Nancy Pelosi Uniparty easily passed the record $1.3 trillion omnibus bill on Thursday.
The final vote was 256 to 167.
A majority of Democrats helped Paul Ryan pass the bill.
The bill funds all of the Democrat pet projects and spends less than .1% on the border security barriers and no wall.
Conservative Mark Meadows and the Freedom Caucus voted against the outrageous Republican Omnibus.
Meadows pointed out the giant flaws of the plan:
– Record spending levels
– No wall/border security
– Obamacare intact
– Funds Planned Parenthood
– Sanctuary Cities funded
– Barely 24 hours to read a 2,300 page bill
Rep. Meadows then encouraged President Trump to veto the bill.
Members of the @freedomcaucus sent the below letter to the WH:
"Mr. President, we urge you to remember the countless forgotten men and women of America who placed their faith in you to change business as usual in Washington, D.C. We urge you to join us and reject this omnibus." pic.twitter.com/eO0B1PfCYl
— Mark Meadows (@MarkMeadows) March 22, 2018
This will likely be the end of the GOP majorities.
You can’t continue to spit on the voters and expect them to keep coming out to support you.
If you can read the comments in the tweet from Senator Rand Paul below….
1. On page 207. 2000+ pages to go! Reading about the ever wasteful $6 billion National Science Foundation.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 22, 2018
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