Hamas Founder’s Son Says Media Too ‘Afraid’ To Label Group As Terrorists, Fearing Religious War – One America News Network

(L) Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images / (R) Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images

OAN’s Brooke Mallory
4:30 PM – Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a Hamas co-founder, declared on Monday that Hamas is even more dangerous than ISIS and that the mainstream media is reluctant to label the organization as terrorists and a genocidal religious movement for fear of starting a full-scale religious conflict.


“It’s their own comparison to say Hamas and ISIS, because I think Hamas is a lot more dangerous,” Mosab Hassan Yousef told reporters. 

“Look at the division and the global confusion because of Hamas. They brought us to our knees somehow by their brutality and their barbarism. Brutality is even understating Hamas’ acts. Hamas is a religious movement, and they are a raging religious movement against Israel. The mainstream media cannot say this, because they are afraid to ignite a religious war. And what I say, it already is. They want to annihilate the Jewish people because they are Jewish people, because they are a Jewish state,” he continued.

Yousef, who denounced Islam to become a Christian and left the terrorist organization in the 1990s to secretly work as a spy for Israel’s Shin Bet internal security agency, claimed that since Hamas is neither a political nor national movement, negotiations with them are practically impossible.

“They are driven by dark hatred toward a race, toward a nation,” he asserted.

The Islamic State, known as ISIS, has seen a significant decline in power after gaining territorial control over portions of both Syria and Iraq in the 2010s. It gained notoriety for its terrorist attacks and heinous violations of human rights against those living under its rule.

After Israel left the Gaza Strip in the 2000s, Hamas seized authority and has been in charge of the region ever since it was elected in 2006. This month, Israel declared war on Hamas following the terrorist group’s unexpected invasion and murderous spree against Jews in southern Israel.

More than 200 captives have been captured by Hamas and taken as hostages to Gaza, the territory it controls that borders Egypt and Israel.

According to Yousef, much of Hamas’s strength in withstanding an Israeli ground assault would come from its established tactic of employing “human shields.”

“They have many tunnels. They used the funds and the aid that came to Gaza, they used it to dig tunnels,” he said. “It’s very hard to deal with this style of suicidal group of fighters who basically don’t appreciate life. They actually [are] looking forward to death.”

It is feasible to eliminate Hamas, Yousef said, but it would begin with demolishing its infrastructure, obtaining information, and imposing a strangling siege.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the Israel Security Agency, often known as Shin Bet, formed a new division called NILI, which stands for “The Eternity of Israel Will Not Lie,” in Hebrew.

The new unit’s mission is to find and eliminate every individual involved in the heinous crimes. It will reportedly function independently of other command and control groups that are concentrated on removing attack cells and senior Hamas officials, the paper states.

It is also intended to deliberately target members of the Nukhba branch of Hamas, a secret commando force inside the terror group that Israel thinks was responsible for the assaults.

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Brooke Mallory
Author: Brooke Mallory

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