OAN Brooke Mallory
UPDATED 6:11 PM – Tuesday, May 9, 2023
An alarming incident happened at an elementary school in Plainview, Texas, where it was reported that a male student and his friends had been sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl who was a classmate of theirs.
A first-grader captured the abuse on a classroom iPad used for educational purposes.
Plainview South Elementary has received major criticism and caused protests for its lack of transparency and inadequate response to the incident.
Raquel Medina, the victim’s great aunt, claimed that her 6-year-old niece’s conduct had recently changed significantly. She inquired further as to what was causing the child’s issues.
“We noticed the differences in her demeanor. You know, she wasn’t sleeping well, she had bags under her eyes. She wasn’t eating like she used to eat. She started peeing in the bed. Her stomach was always hurting,” Medina said.
A boy had exposed himself to kids in the lunch line, the girl informed her great aunt. Additionally, she was physically pulled beneath a table and made to engage in oral sex with another male pupil. She also mentioned that a third male student was videotaping the assault on a school iPad.
The young girl answered her family’s question about how long this encounter had persisted by saying, “Until they let me go.”
This disturbing occurrence happened on April 19th. However, there seemed to be numerous incidents on different days, insinuated by the young girl. Her parents were not informed of the latest incident until the following Friday.
The victim’s aunt claims she was unable to contact the investigator until she visited the school in person on April 27th. The disturbing video captured has still not yet been shown to the family.
On May 1st, Medina and the victim’s cousin Heather went live on Facebook to describe what had occurred to their young and impressionable relative. They complained about how challenging it has been to acquire any information from the district superintendent or the school administration.
“She was performing an oral act, along with a lot of other kids screaming and encouraging them. Shouting ‘Do it, do it,’” Medina said. “She told us they would try to pull her under the table and that she started hitting the little boy with her poetry book. He wouldn’t stop and he somehow pulled her legs and she fell to the floor he pulled her under the table and then he started pushing her head towards his privates.”
Medina inquired as to what the girl’s next move was. She retorted that she had tried to scare the boys away by slapping them and repeatedly telling them to stop.
“He kept pulling her head towards his privates and his penis went inside her mouth,” Medina tearfully said.
Medina claims that Mrs. Holt, their teacher, was also present during the assault but was distracted by listening to “soothing music” on her headphones.
“How in the world could this happen with the teacher in the room?” Medina asked.
The iPad footage was allegedly found a day after the event and a report was subsequently made, according to Mr. H.T. Sanchez, the superintendent of Plainville, Texas. Child Protective Services (CPS) was also notified.
After the incident was turned over to detectives and CPS, Mrs. Holt was placed on administrative leave.
Administrative leave “occurs when an employee is temporarily no longer performing their normal duties or allowed on-site at their workplace. However, the individual’s employment has not been terminated as they must be available during work hours throughout the process. Simply put, the employer puts an employee on temporary suspension, often with pay.”
The young victim informed her great-aunt that the teacher frequently exits the classroom to go into the hallway or another room.
According to Medina, the male student who was most involved in the incident and her niece were asked to leave the classroom and report to the principal’s office. The family was unable to learn anything about the incident until the girl informed them of what had happened.
The young girl’s family members have expressed immense frustration with the school’s lack of openness.
The family claimed in an interview with the press that when they had inquired about getting more details from the school, the response that they received was “no comment.” Gonzales emphasized how challenging it had been for her cousin to be seated so close to the kids who had been sexually assaulting her.
Until they obtained complete information from everyone engaged in the incident, the superintendent claimed that law enforcement asked them to keep everything private.
Despite this, it is also worth mentioning that this is not the school’s first issue or incident to take place.
Administrators and Mrs. Hughey, the principal of the school, asserted that no other reports of bullying or “sexual occurrences” have been made this year. However, according to Medina, this is undoubtedly incorrect.
After speaking with other parents from the school, she asserted that many guardians have spoken with Mrs. Hughey and other school employees directly to report bullying and other sexually-inappropriate incidents.
“My daughter comes home with bruises and rashes if she doesn’t participate in these little boys’ sick games,” said an unnamed parent at the school.
This is also not the first time a sexual assault has occurred in the school system under Sanchez’s supervision.
A student at the school claimed that her teacher had sexually assaulted her back in 2016. According to reports, the school held off on calling the police for six days.
“We want the teacher fired. We want the principal fired. We want the administration fired. Mr. Sanchez out of there,” Medina said during the live stream.
Ironically, the great-aunt also mentioned that the school had just received an award for safety.
“Yeah, they keep them safe from predators coming in, but what’s going on inside the classroom? Our teachers are not keeping them safe… We have followed the chain of command and we have gotten nowhere,” she added.
“There have been multiple moms coming out about stuff that has been happening all year and nothing is being done about it… It’s hit its peak and that’s why we’re here today, to get answers,” another unnamed parent said.
On Sunday, Jameson Ellis, who is challenging Dan Crenshaw for the TX-2 congressional seat, issued a statement regarding the incident and protests.
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