Russia deploys nuclear warships – One America News Network

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) speaks with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (R) after attending an expanded meeting of the Russian Defence Ministry Board at the National Defence Control Centre in Moscow, on December 21, 2022. - Russian President described today the conflict in Ukraine as a "shared tragedy" but placed blame for the outbreak of hostilities on Ukraine and its allies, not Moscow. (Photo by Mikhail Kireyev / Sputnik / AFP) (Photo by MIKHAIL KIREYEV/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)
Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) speaks with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (R) after attending an expanded meeting of the Russian Defence Ministry Board at the National Defence Control Centre in Moscow, on December 21, 2022. – Russian President described today the conflict in Ukraine as a “shared tragedy” but placed blame for the outbreak of hostilities on Ukraine and its allies, not Moscow. (Photo by MIKHAIL KIREYEV/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN Roy Francis
1:08 PM PT – Tuesday, February 14, 2023

According to a report from the Norwegian Intelligence Service (NIS), Russia’s Northern Fleet which includes warships with tactical nuclear weapons onboard, was deployed on Tuesday.

This marks the first time in over 30 years that the Russian fleet with nuclear capabilities has been deployed to sea. The last time being during the Cold War.

The report described the dangers Russia’s Northern Fleet posed to NATO countries.

“A central part of the nuclear capabilities is located on the North Fleet’s submarines and surface vessels,” the report said. “In addition, Russia has, among other things, underwater capabilities, anti-satellite weapons and cyber tools that can threaten Norway and NATO.”

The report also suggested that nuclear weapons are now a top priority for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia’s defense budget is set to increase by 34% in 2023, with a focus on expanding the nuclear arsenal.

Though Putin has avoided direct talk of nuclear weapons during the war with Ukraine, some Kremlin officials have been entertaining and floating the idea through the Russian government in recent weeks.

In January, Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chairman of Russia’s state-controlled media and former president of Russia, posted to his Telegram channel the possibility of using nuclear weapons should Russia lose the war in Ukraine.

“Defeat of a nuclear power in a conventional war,” he said. “May trigger a nuclear war.”

The NIS also reported that Russia currently poses the greatest threat to NATO due to its nuclear arsenal and the conditions of the war in Ukraine.

“The ongoing tensions between Russia and the West mean that Russia will continue to pose the greatest nuclear threat to NATO, and therefore to Norway,” the agency said. “It cannot be ruled out that a localized war could escalate into a wider conflict with direct military involvement of Russia, the United States, NATO, and Norway.”

Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence has previously emphasized that the threat of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons against them is very high. However, they do not predict Russia using those weapons in the near future.

However, due to heavy losses in Ukraine, and NATO’s involvement in the war, Russia has escalated its rhetoric towards Ukraine and its allies in recent months.

Putin has responded to the recent aide of tanks, and further talks of fighter jets being sent to Ukraine by NATO countries, by issuing a warning that Russia has “a way to respond, and it will not just end with the use of armored vehicles” hinting at Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

The NIS report suggest that Russia’s decision come because of their distrust of the West’s intentions and that the risk of escalation is at an all time high.

“Russian decisions are characterized by a strong distrust of Western intentions. This perception has been significantly reinforced as a result of the West’s reaction to the invasion of Ukraine,” the NIS said. “Both the likelihood of misunderstandings between Russia and NATO and unintended incidents increase, which in turn increases the risk of escalation.”

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Roy Frances
Author: Roy Frances

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