OAN Deven Berryhill
UPDATED 4:00 PM PT – Tuesday, February 14, 2023
A pair of Dutch F-35 fighters intercepted three Russian military aircrafts over the Baltic Sea while two NORAD F-16 fighters were dispatched to observe two Russian fighters off Alaska.
On Monday, two Royal Netherland’s Airforce (RNLAF) F-35 Lightning II fighter jets intercepted three Russian military planes over the Baltic Sea near Poland. The three Russian aircrafts were identified by military officials as a Russian IL-20M Coot-A and two Su-27 Flankers.
Later that day, a Russian Tu-95 bomber and a Su-35 fighter were “detected, tracked, positively identified and intercepted” said NORAD officials. F-16 fighters were dispatched on what they were calling a “routine” incident near Alaska in the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone.)
The frequency of incursions have increased in recent months between NATO and Russian Military aircraft due to mounting tension over the war in Ukraine.
“The Dutch F-35s escorted the formation from a distance and handed over the escort to NATO partners.” Netherlands officials reported.
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