Motorcycle enthusiasts attend the 81st annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on August 8, 2021 in Sturgis, South Dakota. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
UPDATED 2:00 PM PT – Thursday, May 19, 2022
Jean Baretto continues to fight for his life after sheriff’s tasered him at a gas pump nearly three months ago. On Wednesday, it was revealed that Baretto’s legal team has allegedly obtained surveillance footage from a WaWa gas station in Central Florida where the incident took place. The incident shows their client being tackled from behind by one deputy while another hits him with a taser.
That taser shot ignited the fire ball that engulfed Barreto and two nearby deputy’s according to the State Fire Marshall. The family and attorney’s of the man say he never committed a crime.
At the time of the incident Osceola Sheriff’s Department alleged that Barretto was part of motorcyclists that were harassing and pointing guns at other drivers. His lawyers claim the video shows the 26-year old was not trying to flee and question why an electrical charge would be deployed at someone dealing with a highly flammable liquid.
“In Osceola County we have no tolerance for this type of behavior,” said Osceola Sheriff Marcos Lopez. “We will identify you and catch you, even if you flee into another county.”
The Attorney’s have asked for a renewed investigation as the sheriff’s office has not released any additional information including body camera video. On Tuesday, he underwent his sixth surgery since the fire. Doctors say he still has a long road to recovery. His lawyers state that he has been fighting for his life for the past 80 days with third-degree burns over 75-percent of his body.
“We’re calling today for FDLE to take this case over or to have the U.S. Justice Department take this case over,” declared the NeJame Law Group. “There’s too much going on, too many questions that need to be asked.”
Jean Baretto still has not been arrested or charged with any crime.
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