“We were stuck in the hall for four total minutes, ducking and in fear for our lives” until a teacher Josh didn’t know let them in another classroom, Josh said. He said Gard “left 75% of his students out in the hallway to be slaughtered.”
Gard gave a phone interview to CBS Miami while still holed up in his classroom with some of his students, less than two hours after the shooting spree. The group had been awaiting the all-clear from police officers conducting a classroom-by-classroom search.
Josh noted that Gard was interviewed by media multiple times and has been acclaimed a hero.
“He is nothing but a coward,” Josh said. “He has re-victimized the students he left out of his class by calling himself a hero.”
Another student, Connor Dietrich, expressed similar emotions on Twitter.
“As one of the kids left in the hallway I want people to understand how terrifying and defenseless I personally felt,” Connor tweeted. “The person I had to rely on left us to die and that’s not okay.”
Gard expressed shock at the accusations, telling the South Florida Sun-Sentinel he followed protocol that requires to keep doors locked during an active shooter drill or real emergency. He said six students followed him back into the room.
“I looked back down the hall and no one was around — no one,” he said. “You have to close the door. That’s protocol. We have no choice.”
He said he and the six students were huddled in the dark when they heard banging on the door. He said he is prohibited from opening the door but did walk over to it. The banging, however, had stopped.
“Fast forward to Sunday, when the parents came back for an open house,” Gard told the Sun-Sentinel. “All of a sudden this kid comes over and starts screaming at me. Then his father started screaming at me. This is insane.”
Im a victim of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting. Please read my story below as I present the truth about a teacher Mr. Gard (Jim Gard) who calls himself a hero, and how the media portrayed him as hero when in reality he is the opposite. pic.twitter.com/MH70M6Sqhe
— Josh Gallagher// MSD STRONG (@JoshBGallagher) March 1, 2018
“While the shooting was happening and students were locked in the hall he actually called a news station inform them what was going on…”
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