• Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years ago

    Sunday afternoon, police responded to a ‘mass shooting’ at Jacksonville Landing in Florida which left 3 dead and 11 wounded.
    According to witnesses, the killer, David Katz, began shooting shortly after he los […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years ago

    By MELINDA DESLATTE, Associated Press

    BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana officials blocked two of the nation’s largest banks Thursday from involvement in a $600 million road-financing plan because they hav […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years ago

    President Trump fired back at New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo late Wednesday, saying the Democrat was having “a total meltdown” after he declared at an earlier […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 1 month ago

    On this day, August 2nd, in 1776, members of Congress affix their signatures to an enlarged copy of the Declaration of Independence.

    Fifty-six congressional delegates in total signed the document, including some […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 1 month ago

    The founder of the English Defence League, “Tommy Robinson”, has had his conviction for contempt of court quashed as the Court of Appeal orders a new trial.

    The far-right activist, whose real name is Stephen […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 1 month ago

    The Militia defeats Loyalist cavalry – On this day July 12th, in 1780, Philadelphia lawyer Captain Christian Huck and 130 Loyalist cavalry, belonging to British Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton’s legion, s […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 2 months ago

    President Donald Trump on Tuesday commuted the sentences of two eastern Oregon ranchers serving time in federal prison for setting fire to public land in a case that inflamed their supporters and gave rise to the […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 2 months ago

    San Antonio police are investigating what appears to be a politically motivated hate crime after 16-year-old Trump supporter Richard Hunter was reportedly assaulted by an aggressive liberal for wearing a red […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 2 months ago

    Facebook’s algorithms have ruled that parts of the US Declaration of Independence are hate speech and removed excerpts of them posted to the platform.
    In the run-up to Independence Day, a US community paper based […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 2 months ago

    A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, now met in Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up Arms.

    If it was possible for men who […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 2 months ago

    The Syrian regime’s main military ally, Russia, carried out airstrikes Sunday in the country’s southwest, defying a cease-fire pact with the U.S. and Jordan, as forces aligned with President Bashar al-Assad pus […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 2 months ago

    North Korea was a pawn in the Deep State arsenal. It was a problem they never actually WANTED solved. Just like Cancer is a disease they do not WANT cured.

    Whole industries were built around a conflict in Korea. […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 3 months ago

    table, tr, td { border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; vertical-align: top; border-top: 4px solid black;}

    New York State Senators

    Joseph P. Addabbo Jr

    [poll id=”4″]

    Fred […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 3 months ago

    Under New Jersey’s new bump-stock ban, which was approved in January, residents were supposed to destroy or turn in their bump stocks by mid-April.

    So far, New Jersey State Police say, they have not received a s […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 3 months ago

    Joseph P. Addabbo Jr


    Fred Akshar

    Marisol Alcantara

    George A. Amedore, Jr.
    (R, C, IP)46TH […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 3 months ago

    As reported by FranceTV 

    JERUSALEM–United Kingdom Prime minister Theresa May has announced plans to relocate her country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem–She seems to be following Trump’ […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 3 months ago

    North Korea announced it has canceled a high-level summit with South Korea and has threatened to cancel its meeting with the United States over American […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 4 months ago

    In seeking and executing a warrant to search the offices and home of Michael Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal attorney, leftists have abandoned all pretense that they are not prosecuting civil war […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 4 months ago

    We at Minuteman strongly support the Constitution of the United States, and are ardent supporters of the 2nd Amendment.

    Corporate America, and Bank of America specifically has made a statement that it will […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 6 years, 5 months ago

    USA TODAY: London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced a crackdown on knives Sunday in response to the rising levels of violence in London, which recently surpassed New York City’s homicide rate for the first time.
    “No ex […]

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