• Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 2 months ago

    On this day, July 1st, in 1775, the Continental Congress resolves to recruit Indian nations to the American side in their dispute with the British, should the British take native allies of their own. The motion […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 2 months ago

    Bastille Day – Parisian revolutionaries and mutinous troops storm and dismantle the Bastille, a royal fortress and prison that had come to symbolize the tyranny of the Bourbon monarchs. This dramatic action […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 2 months ago

    On this day, June 30th, 1775, the Continental Congress drafts its rationale for taking up arms against Great Britain in the Articles of War.

    In the Articles of War, written one year before the adoption of the […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 2 months ago

    On June 29, 1613, staged cannon fire during a performance of “Henry VIII” ignited a fire that burned the Globe Theatre to the ground.

    The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, an acting troupe featuring playwright Willi […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 2 months ago

    World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Negotiated among the Allied powers with little participation by Germany, its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 2 months ago

    On This Day, June 27th, 1950, just two days after communist North Korean forces invaded South Korea, the United Nations Security Council approves a resolution put forward by the United States calling for armed […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 2 months ago

    On this day June 26th, in 1948, U.S. and British pilots begin the Berlin Airlift, delivering food and supplies by airplane to Berlin after the city is isolated by a Soviet Union blockade.

    When World War II ended […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 2 months ago

    On this day in 1876, Native American forces led by Chiefs Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeat the U.S. Army troops of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer in a bloody battle near southern Montana’s Little B […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On This Day, June 24th, 1853, President Franklin Pierce Ratifies the Gadsden Purchase, finalizing the border between Mexico and the United States.

    It was the Gadsden Purchase that settled the main boundaries of […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On this day June 23rd, in 1776, off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina, British Commodore Parker (Sir Peter)  notifies General Henry Clinton that he will land on the South Carolina mainland the next day on […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On this day June 22nd, in 1775, Congress issues $2 million in bills of credit, as Continental Currency.

    By the spring of 1775, colonial leaders, concerned by British martial law in Boston and increasing […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    Karen Handel ’s win in Georgia sent shock waves through the left. This was a hard fought election for the house seat vacated by Republican Tom Price, who accepted the cabinet position as Secretary of Health and H […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On This Day, June 21st of 1778, New Hampshire becomes the ninth and last necessary state to ratify the Constitution of the United States, thereby making the document the law of the land.

    By 1786, defects in the […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On this day, June 20th in 1782, Congress adopts the Great Seal of the United States after six years of discussion.

    The front of the seal depicts a bald eagle clutching an olive branch in its right talon and […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On this day June 9th in 1964, the Senate passes historic Civil Rights Act after an 83 day filibuster. The Senate was involved in an epic fight over the Civil Right Act, after a group of Southern Democrat senators […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    The day after the Senate followed the House of Representatives in voting to declare war against Great Britain, President James Madison signs the declaration into law–and the War of 1812 begins. The American war d […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On This Day, June 17th in 1775 – British General William Howe lands his troops on the Charlestown Peninsula overlooking Boston, Massachusetts, and leads them against Breed’s Hill, a fortified American position j […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On this day June 16th, in 1858, newly nominated senatorial candidate Abraham Lincoln addresses the Illinois Republican Convention in Springfield and warns that the nation faces a crisis that could destroy the […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago

    On This Day June 15th, 1215 – Following a revolt by the English nobility against his rule, King John puts his royal seal on the Magna Carta, or “Great Charter.” The document, essentially a peace treaty between Joh […]

  • Mark Wolf wrote a new post on the site Minuteman Militia 7 years, 3 months ago


    The left continues to escalate violence in the wake of an election loss to Donald Trump. Now Trump hating Bernie Sanders supporter James T. Hodgkinson, showed up at a […]

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