The three largest movie theater chains in the United States announced on Friday that they will no longer require masks for customers vaccinated against the CCP virus.
AMC, Regal and Cinemark posted announcements on their website on May 28 regarding the relaxed rules.
“In accordance with CDC guidelines, masks are not required for guests who are fully vaccinated,” the new AMC policy says. “If you are not fully vaccinated, we ask that you continue to wear a mask throughout the theatre unless actively enjoying food or drinks. If needed masks are available to purchase for $1. AMC continues to follow state and local mandates.”
AMC, the world’s largest movie theater chain, has 620 theaters in the United States.
“With rapid improvements in COVID-19 case rates, increasingly widespread vaccinations, and recent CDC guidance that vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks or socially distance, the movie theatre industry will continue to meet or exceed state and local public health guidelines,” Regal’s new policy says. “Masks will not be required unless mandated by state and local guidelines.”
Regal, the second-largest movie theater chain in the United States, has 549 theaters nationwide.
“Face masks are optional for fully vaccinated guests. Masks are strongly encouraged for all other guests, in accordance with CDC guidelines. Masks may be removed when eating and drinking inside the auditorium,” Cinemark’s updated safety checklist states.
Cinemark, the third-largest movie theater chain in the country, operates 325 theaters in 42 states.
The theaters updated their policies the same day the CDC announced that masks would no longer be required in summer camps where everyone is vaccinated.
While none of the theaters said they would require any proof of vaccination, all three would be required to ask for proof of the shot from customers in Oregon, where the state department is requiring that people in workplaces, businesses, and religious sites show proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to be allowed maskless entry to the facilities.
Neither the CDC nor the private entities which have lifted mask mandates for the vaccinated population did the same for those of infection-conferred immunity, despite evidence that immunity acquired through a COVID-19 infection is strong, lasting and effective against variants. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus.
The CDC announced earlier this month that masks are not required indoors and in most other settings for people vaccinated against the virus.
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