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Types of Essays
Essays are written for communicative purposes that can be composed in various forms and nature of writing. Based on the designation and form, essays are developed in several types or types, namely: descriptive, report, explanation, exposition, discussion, procedure, review, narrative, spoof, recount, anecdote, and new item. In addition, seen from other types, essays have other types, namely: descriptive essay, header essay, character essay, personal essay, reflective essay, and criticism essay.

Descriptive essays aim to write about a subject or any object of interest to the writer. The writer describes a house, a recreation centre, a school, a landscape, or something else. Meanwhile, headline essays can be seen in cheap essay writing service and magazines. This essay has a special function, which is to describe the newspaper/magazine’s views and attitudes towards topics and issues in society. With the headline essay, the newspaper shapes readers’ opinions.

Next, the character extract essay. This type of essay exposes some aspects of a person’s individual life to the readers. Meanwhile, personal essays are similar to character extracts. However, this type of essay writes about oneself by saying I am, I am me, or using the word me in the writing.

Next, the reflective essay. Reflective essays are written formally with a serious tone. The writer uses deeply, earnestly, seriously about an important topic that deals with life or humanitarian issues. For example, politics, education, development, human nature, and others. This type of essay is generally written by intellectuals with a specific target audience. Lastly, critique essays. In a critical essay, the writer focuses on the description of art and culture. For example, critical analysis of painting, dance, sculpture, theatre, and literature using various approaches. This type of essay is useful for getting to know a work and raising the reader’s awareness of the writer’s thoughts and feelings about works of art and culture.